Cotswold Spring Classic Sportive
Event Information
Event HQ:
The Cotswold Spring Classic will be based from Cirencester Deer Park School,
on the outskirts of the town. For a map of the location please CLICK
HERE - and for those wishing to use Sat Nav to get you there, the college's
full address is:
Cirencester Deer Park School
Stroud Road
The event HQ will open at 7am for pre-event registration, where you will need to sign on and collect your bike number, timing chip, route card and emergency contact details. There are toilets and changing rooms available (please DO NOT leave belongings in the changing rooms), along with event partner Performance Cycles on hand should you need any last minute spares.
Start time - 100km & 160km routes:
The event itself will start at 8am, leaving in groups of approx. 50 riders
- with a two minute interval between each group. Riders for both the 100km
and 160km route can set off together, and will be in no particular order.
All riders for these two routes MUST be on the road by 9am - at which time
the start for the 100km and 160km routes will close and signage will start
to be removed from those routes..
Start time - 55km route:
The start time for the 55km route will be at 9.30am, all riders taking part
in the 55km route must be on the road by 9.45am at the latest. Riders will
be set off in groups of approx. 25, with a two minute interval between each
group. At 9.45am the signage team will depart removing signs from the route
- if you arrive at the start line after 9.45am you will not be able to take
part in the event.
The dreaded "broom wagon"!
After the start closes at 9am, the broom wagon will set off along the
route - travelling at an average speed of 12mph. This will become the
cut off time for the event (obviously strong weather conditions will mean
this might be adjusted on the day!!), any riders that are passed by the
broom wagon will be offered a lift. If they decide to carry on then they
must be aware that the feed stations will be closed before they get there
- they will also be asked to hand back their timing chip. If you are concerned
about your ability to make it round the course ahead of the broom wagon
we strongly suggest that you arrive early and set off with the first wave
at 8am - which will give you an hours head-start on the broom wagon!!
A second broom wagon will also be in operation for the shorter 55km route,
this will set off after the start for this route closes at 9.45am - but
will travel at an average of 8mph. We want to see everyone complete the
course, and will do our utmost to help those on the 55km route make it
back to the HQ in good time.
Cut off times at the two feed stations will be 11.30am (first feed) and
3.30pm (second feed - long route only). The finish will officially close
at 5.30pm.
Safety Information:
The event will be covered by motorcycle marshall outriders and medics from
Wilts Ambulance Service - all riders must remember that they are riding
on the public highway and MUST comply with the highway code and the
laws of the road.
As well as Wilts Ambulance Service out on the route, there will also be
first aid provision at each feed station.
If you have any further queries about the event, please contact the event organisers via the contact page.